Special Upload: Ep. 183 "The Power of Internships" with Alejandro Davila

Season #12

Every student agrees that one of the most stressful parts of the college’s experience is finding an internship. 

In today’s episode, Alejandro Davila, co-founder of Intern Makers, sits down and talks about the power of internships, sharing advice on how to easily obtain an internship in college.

Davila covers different ways to gain experience before applying for internships and the importance of having an internship early to further your college experience and your career after graduation!

Keep listening to learn these important tips and tricks that can turn your stressful experience a stress-free experience!

Want us to help you with your career? Schedule a FREE Strategy Call with Daniel or one of our career consultants. In this call we will help you identify what is holding you back from getting your dream job/ internship.
